Friday, April 15, 2011

Spooky's Work Week Ritual

During the work week, Spooky awaits my return home.

Once I arrive home, Spook's quite vocal, asking me how my day was, why didn't I bring him any treats (the fact that he asks me this daily tells me he needs a lesson in humility), what are we having for dinner (Salmon Purina One), when is dinner going to be done (in 2 seconds), will I clean his toilet (of course, as soon as deal with his earlier concern), and can we go outside now?

Can we, can we, can we, please, please, please?

Once I put his harness and leash on, Spook waits by the door watching and waiting for my hand to twist the knob. If I don't open the door within seconds of him being harnessed, Spook's frantic with worry.

Spook's a little OCD. I like that about him. Reminds me a little bit of someone I know.


Cang said...

Crazy cat lady!

Worm Wrangler said...

Cat lady? Maybe.
Crazy? Certainly not!