Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sweet Pepper Grow Kit, 071711

On such a roll that Saturday in July, with the transplanted squash from the poop bin and starting the cat grass, I figured I might as well get going on the plant kits I'd purchased from Big Lots, the only store I like to hit for neato, cheap finds, months previous. That it's right next door to Costco where I am forced to go regularly to support my soft pack Camel Filters habit is really convenient.

Does anyone know
where to buy Camel Filters in a soft pack 
outside of Fountain Valley Costco?
Please email or comment.

Opening the container, there's a hockey-puck sized circle of coir and two packages of pepper seeds.

The overall directions say to place the puck of coir in a separate container, add water, wait for the coir to absorb the water (preferably overnight), transfer the majority of damp coir to supplied yellow pot, sprinkle in a packet of seeds, and top with remaining coir.

Being the absolute rebel I can be, I plopped the coir into the plastic yellow pot and added the 2.5 cups of water specified on the little coir insert, and let the puck suck up water over just 15 minutes.
Upper left: dry coir; upper middle: 20 seconds after water introduction; upper right: after 15 minutes.

I stirred the coir around, breaking up what looked like brown cranberry jelly from a can at Thanksgiving, and scooped out a portion into a Ziploc container to use as covering.

I might've gone heavy on the quantity to use as covering.

The seed packets were opened; each packet contained 4 seeds each, though they said they'd have only 3. I felt like I won the lottery -- twice in a row. 

The seeds from both packets were evenly distributed over the coir in the yellow pot and then covered with the coir I'd reserved specifically for covering.

Then it was just a waiting game.

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