Friday, January 7, 2011

Geez Oh Pete

Before I continue with this post, I admit I had to Google how to spell Geez Oh Pete. I wasn't even sure if it was one word or three words. I found it, as well as other Michiganisms, here. Don't give me shit about the Michiganisms unless you want me to fullfist you in the throat straightaway. And those words you'll understand immediately should you choose to test me.


Here it is a new year. And I missed the majority of the first full week of the new year being sick. I blame Ali and Tony, respectively.

Thursday the 30th, I took home with me the majority of worm food from the work freezer, including banana peels and apple cores, as well as the rice Tony had prepared for the potluck, which really should've been eaten instead of being cast off as worm fodder. And there was that baggy of something extra special from Bill I remembered to retrieve from my cube.

As my Mom has been in town since the 22nd and I've been sick since the 2nd, I haven't fed any of my critters except my cat. And that's only because Spooky makes it a point to comb my hair with his nails when I'm late for breakfast feeding, beginning at 7:01 a.m. sharp. If it's not enough that Spook combs my hair with his fine cat nails, Spook combs my hair straight into his mouth for him to chew on. It'd be one thing if he simply chewed my hair, but he attempts to swallow it. Yes, he is willing to swallow the hair that is still attached to my noggin. As you can imagine, the idea of being attached by ones head hair to a cats bowels is not a pleasant thing.

Yeah, so that's incentive to get up and slog my way into the kitchen even when sick, trust me. Turns out, Spook does the same behavior when he's ready for his nightly feeding between 7-8 p.m. And again when his toilet needs to be cleaned out, which is more incentive to me to get him legitimately potty-trained.

Um, what I was going to write about originally? I forget now. I'm suddenly extremely tired and need to go back to bed. I have been awake at least three continuous hours. Thanks for listening.

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